Hello! Do you remember me?? I miss all of you so very much!! I miss this little journal desperately and have so many things waiting to share!
I just couldn't let this Fourth of July, Independence Day pass without sharing these pictures. In fact, I've been waiting all year to show you these, since, these were from last year's celebrations!
And, last year, it was another homemade, very casual, easy event! I gardened for most of the day and was pretty tired; so, I cooked and Mom (MIL - a.k.a. the lady next door, up the hill) let us use her clean house to eat in since thunderstorms threatened!
I am not very gifted with
large, family style salads and was determined to make a good one, this time. And,
it was!! So fresh and crisp!! I can't remember what else we ate, though.
=/ Apparently, I was too busy enjoying the moment to take pics. I just
remember the fun!! =)
Inbetween dinner and dessert, we had a 21 spud salute with the potato gun (from Lliam's science project. That thing comes in handy and it's such a comfort to know that if zombies or squirrels ever DO invade the world, we'll be ready to turn them into mashed potatoes!)
Then, as dusk fell, we headed down to the little pond behind the barn for s'more dessert and s'more noisy fun and chatting into the wee hours with the fireflies and mosquitoes!
It was grand!!
My sister was trying to write a message for you.... I think it says 'Happy Fourth of July'!! ;)

Great Grandma!! =)
(She lives next door, too, in a cozy and adorable hobbit hole underneath MIL's house!)
And this one has a message for the future, too! I think it says, 'snow'!!
(I like to think so, anyway, it's so hot and humid today...)
Off I go to make potato salad and shuck corn!!
Happy Fourth of July to you!! =)
Beautiful pictures and great memories!