Monday, March 22, 2010

Now what should I do? Put my feet up?

The weather in Vermont is pretty changeable. After the spectacular last week of warm weather that seemed determined to banish winter and eradicate it's memory forever, we are now in for a week of rain.

This is good! Sometimes, in the spring, when it rains, you can practically see the world turning green before your very eyes.

Silly sentimental girl that I am, I think it's so wonderful and perfect!

Cozy and romantic!

If you've been following along at all, you could probably guess that this would be my optimistic take on things.

The house is spring cleaned and all put together (well, downstairs is, at least. The upstairs is another story still yet to be written.) Now, it's time to enjoy the fruit of my labors and to sit in my freshly cleaned house. Well, for as long as it can last with three very creative boys dwelling in it.

I've been listening to Glenn Gould playing Brahm's Intermezzi and Rhapsodi for the piano.

To me, this music is more romantic and beautiful than even Chopin. It's very quiet and introspective for the most part - punctuated often, with the most heart rendingly, glorious passages of soaring melody. I very much appreciate Mr. Gould's interpretations which are honest and straight forward - not flamboyant, but heartfelt and true. This music speaks!

It would be a great day for daydreaming and thinking and cooking up wonderful ideas.


after the afternoon tea for 35 women that I hosted on Saturday and church on Sunday (with a little bit of organ playing in the service), I'm too tired to put two words, let alone any thoughts, together.

I planned for this!

The agenda for the next few days is to putter and splutter along. All of the leftover flowers and sugar cookies are such a reward for all of the hard work.

Well, now, you can see that the weather is the perfect backdrop to the sleepy quiet days that we all need around here.

Especially for Halle!

She's been sleeping a lot!

She's had this funny, tired expression on her face often in the past 5 weeks.

The reason, no doubt is her thickening belly.

How many puppies are in there anyway do you suppose?!

Well, she shared my complacent day with me.

She looked out at the soppy, dripping world.

She looked to the right.

She looked to the left.

She thought about life, and ....

.... with the wisdom of the ages,


"I think that I will just stay in today."

I received another gift after the tea


I have a confession to make.

I was just way too busy during the day to actually take any pictures to chronicle the event.

This is sooooo sad, let me tell you!

It happens to me every year!

There is a mad rush at the end and all I'm left with is a blurry memory.

Sometimes, someone takes a few photos for me


of course,

I want to take my own!


this year, my dear husband let me keep the tables up so that I could reset them and take pictures.

What's that?

Did I just hear you think that I'm a bit crazy?!

(Happily, that's all I heard you think!)

Strangely, one of my favorite things to do in this world is to set tables.

It's actually a hobby, in fact.

This is what I did today!

I will take pictures tomorrow that I would love to share with you.

This is just one of my tea tables

Of course, it has tea in it!
(anything else would be unthinkable and unethical - especially having the pot empty!)

Delicious, golden, soothingly fragrant, steaming black tea that the boys and I found to be just the thing ....

.... for a cold, damp day such as this!


Katy Noelle


  1. Just give in to the feeling . . . . it's your body telling you it's time for a rest!! Have a lazy dayz week, go on, treet yourself!!

  2. What an excellent chronicle of your day and thoughts.

  3. First off...I loved reading each and every one of your comments. It sort of felt like we were having a conversation. Thank so much you made my day!

    Halle is the sweetest thing ever and she's having puppies? I can't wait to see them.

    I don't think you're crazy at all for leaving the tables up and resetting them. I'm looking forward to seeing them. This is a skill I admire but have never mastered.

    I think you deserve some time resting and of my favorite things to do.



  4. Hi Kathy Noelle,

    Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I am so glad you found me!! I enjoyed reading about your day and looking at your beautiful pictures. Don't know exactly where Vermont is, but when I see the view from your window it must be a beautiful place. Even in dark weather it looks special, a sort of 'gothic'. Your view reminds me of the stories from the Bronte sisters. To me the atmosphere in those books is often somewhat the same as the view from your window. Your teatable looks very inviting. Wish I could join you :-. I don't know the music you mentioned, but I will try to find it on youtube.

    Wish you more sunshine tomorrow!!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  5. Hi Kathy Noelle,

    Me again! Just found your state and read all about its nature and mountains. You are so fortunate to live there. Listened to Brahms Intermezzi as well. It is very soothing and pretty. Toninght is my choir night. I hope we will sing the Cantique by fauré. Its beautiful as well.

    Bye for now, love from Holland,


  6. Katy Noelle your house looks absolutely gorgeous, shinny and cosy. And with all the hard work you did for the afternoon tea, I say sit down, put your feet up and get a nice cuppa and enjoy the rain and the music.

    Love & Hugs

  7. So Halle is soon to have puppies -they will be adorable!

    I love the diversion of reading about your days at home there in Vermont Katy - we have had lovely spring rain here too freshening everything up.

    Put your feet up after all your hard work and enjoy your tea and music.

    Jeanne xxx

  8. I just love this post! Every photo has captured the feel of the day. Even Halle's wisdom was clear ;) She is so beautiful! Glad to know you had a chance to put your feet up xxx

  9. Beautiful tea table. You are so lucky your boys will have tea with you. I could never get my kids to enjoy a cup of tea with me. Even now that they are all adults, none of them like tea. I don't know why since I am such a tea lover!


Short and witty, long and heartfelt, just a blip to say hello - I love all of your comments! Feel free ...
