Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tom has a mom.

She is mostly known as "Grandma".

Grandma has a house - a house that is right "next door" to ours.

I have a young friend!

My friend was having dinner with us when I realized that the sun was setting and it was time for me to take pictures.

She asked to come along, my friend did.

We huffed and puffed! (I did more than my young friend!)

Grandma's door is up a steep hill.

Her garden is even farther beyond that!

There are all sorts of things in mom's garden.

It's a magical place!

For example, there are soon to be Jack-o-lanterns.

There are, also, soaring sunflowers and long tunnel-like alleys between them and the corn.

My friend and I had fun with Grandma in her garden.

My friend helped harvest ....

.... and I took pictures.


Any place where there's a harvest has an air of magic about it.

How else does it all grow, if not by magic???


Yes, there's surely magic in a garden - especially after sunset!

 We felt it!


  1. I am completely fond of the New England architecture. Love GrandMa's house !
    Have a nice day, dear Katy Noelle.

    ♥ Hélène Glehen - a French artist, fond of roses and romantic stuff ♥

  2. Dearest Katy, What a magical place indeed Tom's mother's house looks to be. I am not surprised that your young friend wished to explore her garden with you since it is full of such bounty and wonderful plants. There is something really special about being able to have flowers and, in this case, corn towering above you as you make your way through it all.

    Her house looks very pretty indeed and matches what, in my mind's eye, the buildings look like in Vermont. The houses seem to sit so comfortably in the landscape which is really delightful to see.

  3. Beautiful - your friend seemed to have a fun day, too!

  4. I really like like like this post !! ...yes !!! so nice !! have a happy evening darling love Ria....

  5. Looks like a fun time in Grandma's garden with your young friend. Lovely post Katy. I just love this time of year too when we are harvesting summer's bounty.

  6. Wonderful post!! I'm going to link it to Adventure Tour Express...You indeed had a wonderful adventure!! Cathy

  7. Dearest Katy Noelle,

    You did capture some real nice moments with your friend in a beautiful garden! The picture with the carrots is precious...
    Sunny greetings from Georgia,


  8. The colors of harvest time make for such beautiful settings. You have some lovely photos here today Katy!!

    Happy Day!
    xo Catherine

  9. Hi Katy Noelle,

    I finally found some time between ironing, preparing dinner and the visit of my parents to blog. Hurray!

    Just read you last two posts. I enjoyed them very much. They way you described and captured 'timeworn' is beautiful. The view of the lake something out of a movie. So is the dear old lady with the book.

    Grandma's garden looks good! Lucky you to have her nearby. Your friend looks very sweet. Her teeth made me laugh. I can remember my girls looking like this. I loved it when they smiled

    And you are right about things growing in a garden. It's magical indeed!

    Enjoy your day! It's bright and sunny in Holland at last.

    Oh before I forget: I enjoyed yesterday mornings mist!

    Lieve groet, Madelief xo

  10. Oh what a sweet post! Yes indeed, there is magic in a garden and delight in the harvest. Beautiful images!

  11. Harvest time is magical. Love your take on things.
    I have given you a blog award. Please forgive me if you don't participate in these things.
    Here is the direct link:

  12. Hi!
    What a wonderful blog you have! I feel blessed to have found you (I come to you from GrandmaK!!) I absolutely love your profile... you have a wonderful style of writing both with pictures (as above!) and in your profile - with even the title of your blog being so lovely!
    Please join me at my history blog about St. Nicholas and Christmas! I'd love to have you follow along!

  13. Such a charming post Katy - your little friend looks so sweet and I love Grandma's house!


  14. Oh Katy, I just love these photos, especially the one of your friend's feet while holding the bunch of carrots :0) So charming! xo

  15. This is such a lovely blog...really, Katy, why aren't you writing children's books? Illustrated with your own photos? You just wrote one here! Love you lots! Lisa D

  16. Hi Katy,

    You have a beautiful site! This is Lorraine from "College Life" in Pasadena's LACC! I think you may have gotten my card via Elizabeth when she travelled there last month? So happy to see your beautiful home and area!

    I look forward to catching up with you...!




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