I'm sure that pretty much all of you have heard the old adage, "careful what you wish for!" It does sound cautionary but, in truth, those words are usually delivered with a wink and a smile and is accompanied with a little flutter of the heart.... you never know.... you may just get what you wish for!
A few years back, Blogland's darling, Elyse Major, from the, oh-so-pretty Tinkered Treasures, was having a giveaway and I made a wish that I could win the giveaway. Ha! It didn't matter if I won or not because, soon after, this box arrived in the mail.
THE BOX....!!!
Now, I'm sure that probably most of us have heard of 'Random Acts of Kindness' and this was certainly one of them. Little could Elyse know that, the moment before her box had arrived, my life had crumbled in many ways. It was just one of those really, really tough 'moments', and the start of one of those seasons. (But, just don't you fret about that - the season has brought me to a wonderful place in life! =]) The point is, I cannot even express how much this box meant to me!!! I mean just the box and, really, of course the sweet thought behind it.
But, Elyse must have thought that I was cavalier about it all and didn't care because it took me almost two months to open it. Little did she know how I had the box right there in the kitchen with me and it would constantly make me smile and sigh. =] (I'm literally laughing as I type this... I just LOVED that plain old box - unopened! =D)
The reason for my delay was.... I knew that I had a young friend who needed a box just as much as I did and we made a pact to open it together. It just took longer to get together for 'the moment' than we thought it would. (erp!)
But, the truth is....
when the moment came to open the box, it was SOOOoooooooooo worth the wait!
I really can't put words to expressing the time we spent together. I want to keep it hidden in my heart anyway. I mean, it really was just one of those moments. =]
Yet, still, next week, I want to share some pictures from it! ;-)
I want to share pictures and something about my friend because, you see...
...she has a wish....
...she has a wish....
well, perhaps, really a bit of a cherished dream...
but we know that dreams are kissing cousins to wishes! =]
In the meantime,
here are pictures that I took, back then, of a few things we found in the box....
The moral of the story is....
Elyse (wise woman that she is), said, "pffffft!" to 'being careful what she wished for' and, lo and behold, little did we know, then, what would happen now....
I mean,
(Valentine's Day, no less - how cute is that?!?!?!)
Elyse's book, Tinkered Treasures: 35 simple projects to bring charm to the everyday, has been published!
At this moment (or very close to it, anyway), she is winging her way to England for festivities and to fulfill another deep desire of hers - to visit a for-real, official Cath Kidston store!!!!! (GOL!!! Lucky duck! =])
(She's doing much, much more than that but that part is just too fun and perfect to not mention! heehee!)
It is certainly, most definitely a 'giddy-licious' moment!!!!
But, you know...
I do keep getting choked up as I type this!
I am so happy for you, Elyse!!!
it teaches me to dream and not be afraid!
....make a wish!!!
xxoo, Elyse!!!