is a month early and, since March usually feels like it's three months
long because we're usually still buried deep in snow, that's really saying something! Actually, last week's weather was so warm, it was more like summer, and I spent the days outside cleaning up the garden. Today, however, is a day of chilly spring showers and, since I can't sit and
watch shoots come up and tiny leaves stretch open (I need to be there to cheer them on with
little welcoming pep talks =]), I'm inside trying to remember back to last year as I dream big plans for this one.
planted my garden, two autumns ago with spent plants that had already
gone underground for the winter. Many of them had been bought for a song
and a dance from nurseries trying to get rid of their surplus -
especially the delphiniums. I've always dreamed of having a garden with a glorious row of delphiniums!!! They were all bought in the faith
that, in the pot, there was something that would flower in a somewhat blue tone.
The rest of my perennials were moved from our old house, the parsonage,
after languishing untended for three years. Then, last summer, after a
winter of wondering if anything would survive, I just sat back and
watched it all unfold and unfurl. It was so exciting - such a magic and a joy - I can't even really explain.
It's all just a bitty start. It needs to grow and fill in quite a bit but...in my mind's eye... I can see it spreading and expanding all over the place - wrapping itself around the house and up the hill.... raised vegetable beds over by the barns....plants down by the pond....sunflowers planted along the fence by the road.... but this was simply the happy start that I've been wanting to share with you for such a silly long time, now....